
Who we are

With research staff from more than 60 countries, and offices across the globe, IFPRI provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries.


Samuel Benin

Samuel Benin is the Acting Director for Africa in the Development Strategies and Governance Unit. He conducts research on national strategies and public investment for accelerating food systems transformation in Africa and provides analytical support to the African Union’s CAADP Biennial Review.

Where we work


Where we work

IFPRI currently has more than 600 employees working in over 80 countries with a wide range of local, national, and international partners.

IFPRI Insights: COVID-19 Special Issue (April 2)

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April 2, 2020
Spotlight on the Coronavirus Outbreak
IFPRI is curating a series of analyses from IFPRI researchers and guest contributors on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global food and nutrition security, poverty, and development. The webpage will continue to be updated with new analyses in the coming weeks and months. (Visit Spotlight
Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism and Remittances in Egypt: Tourism and remittances are important sources of income for poor households in many low- and middle-income countries. A study on Egypt by Clemens Breisinger, Abla Abdelatif, Mariam Raouf, and Manfred Wiebelt finds that COVID-19 could reduce the country’s national GDP by 0.7– 0.8 percent of annual GDP for each month that the global crisis goes on, if the government were to take no action against the pandemic. (Read Blog)
COVID-19 in Africa’s Informal Food Markets: The pandemic will pose particular challenges for Africa’s informal urban food sector, which provides critical income for farmers and nutrition for consumers. Danielle Resnick lays out how governments can work with wet markets and street vendors to effectively manage the crisis. (Read Blog)
Lessons from the AIDS Pandemic: Stuart Gillespie and Alan Whiteside look at the body of work on the HIV and AIDS epidemics to tease out lessons that can be applied to COVID-19, including the need for a multi-sectoral response and sufficient social protection for vulnerable people. (Read Blog)
The Other China: Scott Rozelle, Heather Rahimi, Huan Wang, and Eve Dill conducted a survey of Chinese rural villages to assess the effects of local and nationwide COVID-19 control measures. They found that the quarantine succeeded in reducing the virus’ spread in rural villages, but at a grave cost to incomes, children’s education, diet quality, and health services. (Read Blog)
No to Trade Restrictions: Joseph Glauber, David Laborde, Will Martin, and Rob Vos confirm that global markets for food staples remain well-stocked and make the case for policies that help maintain access to these foods, rather than measures like export bans that could increase the risk of a food price crisis. (Read Blog)
Livestock Farms Struggle: Livestock farmers in China have faced unprecedented challenges in the wake of pandemic restrictions, including shortages of raw materials and delivery disruptions, according to a new survey and analysis by Xiaobo Zhang and colleagues. (Read Blog)
Stable Staples 
Joseph Glauber, David Laborde, Will Martin, and Rob Vos show that the current global food stock-to-use ratios (excluding China) are close to their “normal value” (the median level of the last two decades), and substantially higher than in 2008, when markets were tight. The underlying situation is even better when also considering China’s inventories of rice and wheat, which are sufficient for 10 to 13 months of domestic consumption. (Explore Data

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